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Since 2016 Millennium Water Story (MWS) has been working relentlessly to raise mass awareness about water - the single most essential resource that makes life possible on earth! Through more than 50 visual stories already published, it has enumerated diverse issues, problems and prospects concerning water resources management in India. Notwithstanding the focus on India, these photo stories actually present an excellent snapshot of the global scenario.

MWS would like to thank all its readers and friends who have extended support by believing that what we are doing is important and that there exists an urgent need to raise water awareness as intensely and widely as possible. Through this page we would like to reiterate that MWS needs your continuous and extended support.

Since photo story is the backbone of MWS, developing every single story implies repeated visits to the field for catching the important moments. Further, each story is based on in-depth on-the-spot research with the concerned stakeholders. Finally, MWS reaches out to sensitize the masses through a dedicated website. Considering the ever-escalating costs underlying these activities, we invite you to participate in the 'water awareness movement' by extending financial support to MWS in any of the following ways:

We look forward to your valuable support to the 'Water Awareness Movement' on MWS!